How to do surveys

Jackie has been invited to give a presentation to non-government organisations in Victoria on 20 August 2012.

The Victorian Department of Education uses Bailey and Yang’s work with Arts Centre Melbourne as best practice for its partnership programs.  These are projects which the Department funds for arts and other community organisations to run projects in schools.

We have been working over the last couple of years with the Arts Centre Melbourne on tools to evaluate its Education Families and Young People (EFY) programs.  The EFY programs are worth millions each year and reach 100,000s of students.  The Arts Centre wanted a streamlined suite of tools which the Arts Centre staff could implement themselves to make sure that the programs were achieving the Arts Centre goals of artistic vibrancy, social and learning impacts, leadership, access and participation and community connectedness.  The Arts Centre can also use findings to advocate for arts programs in schools.

The first suite of tools which we piloted with the Arts Centre in 2010 have been regarded as best practice by the Victorian Department of Education ever since.  We have an ongoing relationship with the Arts Centre – we believe in what they do, and luckily for us, they like our approach to empowering organisations to self-evaluate their impact.

You can access the presentation on our Resources page.  It is free and gives our top tips for doing qualitative and quantitative research.  Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.