Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website!

We will occasionally update this blog with company news, interesting things that we pick up in our travels around the creative industries, social policy and aid and development.

Here’s a precis of what we are working on right now:

  • Yen is working on a really interesting project for the Creative Industries Innovation Centre.  He is putting together a set of factsheets for them, using their data and insights, interviews with the sector and some of his own grey matter.  We will let you know when they go live.
  • I am finishing up a project for the Australia Council for the Arts on community relevance and the major performing arts organisations.  It has been very interesting, talking to more than 30 artists, artistic directors, company managers and community participants about their views of some of the big arts companies in Australia and how they are trying to be more relevant to “communities.”  I’ll post here when they are published.
  • Yen is also working on a set of case studies for the Australia Council, looking at music organisations and their efforts to engage with audiences digitally.  It builds on the work he did last year, showcasing fine examples of arts organisations using social media to connect with audiences.
  • We are also working with Arts Centre Melbourne on an evaluation of the POSTi program, which is an online, educational program aimed at teaching kids about how to behave in cyberspace.  Very interesting project, and I do love working with the Centre – this is building on the suite of evaluation tools we developed with the Centre last year for the Education Families and Youth program (which the Department of Education in Victoria is now using as best practice, largely thanks to the hard work of Arts Centre managers Sarah Penhall and Robin Penty)

Stay tuned for more updates!
